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🦾 The All-Or-Nothing Trap: Why Your "Fresh Start" Is Destined to Fail

Discover why sustainable habits and self-forgiveness beat perfect plans in both fitness and sales. Learn the proven framework for building lasting success, one decision at a time.

Hey Insider,

I've watched it happen countless times. Maybe you've done it yourself:

Monday: "This is it. I'm eating clean, hitting the gym, doing cardio, cutting alcohol, and getting to bed early." Week 1: Step on scale. No change. Week 2: Still nothing. Week 3: Up 2 pounds. Week 4: Back to old habits.

Sound familiar?

REALITY CHECK: Your pipeline didn't get weak overnight, and you didn't gain those 20 pounds in a month. Yet we try to fix both with unsustainable sprints.

Ken Lundin

The Progress Over Perfection Principle

Here's what we get wrong: We treat slip-ups as failures rather than data points. Every "perfect" plan has imperfect days - that's not failure, that's life.

Remember: It's not about being perfect. It's about making better decisions, one at a time, even after a slip.

Tale of Two Approaches

The Failure Pattern: "I'll prospect 8 hours every day this week!"

  • Result: Burned out by Wednesday

  • Outcome: Back to random prospecting when "desperate"

"I'll completely overhaul my nutrition starting today!"

  • Result: Lasted 10 days

  • Outcome: Back to stress eating during busy season

The Success Story: "I'll make 5 calls before noon, every day."

  • Result: Still consistent 6 months later

  • Outcome: Pipeline consistently full

"I'll prep lunch 3 days a week."

  • Result: Became natural habit after 60 days

  • Outcome: Natural progression to broader nutrition changes

MOMENT OF TRUTH: The difference isn't willpower. It's choosing changes you can actually sustain.

Ken Lundin

My 30-Pound Lesson

I failed at losing weight multiple times until I learned this lesson: Process beats pressure.

When I finally lost 30 pounds in a year, it wasn't through a dramatic transformation program. It was through sustainable, consistent effort focused on one change at a time - and forgiving myself when I slipped up.

The same principle helped me build a reliable sales pipeline. After 90 days of consistent prospecting with seemingly limited results, I landed four new deals - all from efforts months before.

The Momentum Map

Phase 1: Weeks 1-4 - Foundation

  • Master one keystone habit

  • Focus only on consistency

  • Ignore all other improvements

  • Build confidence through completion

Phase 2: Weeks 5-8 - Automation

  • Habit becomes more natural

  • Resistance decreases

  • Identity starts shifting

  • Success breeds success

Phase 3: Weeks 9-12 - Expansion

  • Add second complementary habit

  • First habit on autopilot

  • Confidence builds

  • Systems strengthen

Phase 4: Week 13+ - Compound Effect

  • Multiple habits working together

  • Results accelerate

  • Identity transformed

  • New baseline established

When You Slip (And You Will)

Let's get real about recovery protocols:

  1. Don't Wait for Monday

    • Old approach: "I'll restart fresh next week"

    • Better approach: Next meal, next call, next action

  2. Don't Try to Compensate

    • Old approach: Double the workouts to make up for missing one

    • Better approach: Return to baseline routine immediately

  3. Focus Forward, Not Backward

    • Old approach: Beat yourself up about the slip

    • Better approach: Ask "What's my next right action?"

  4. Practice Self-Forgiveness

    • Old approach: "I've ruined everything"

    • Better approach: "One decision doesn't define me"

The Sustainable Success Framework

  1. Find Your Lowest Common Denominator

    • Not 8 hours of prospecting, but 1 focused hour daily

    • Not a complete lifestyle overhaul, but 3 gym sessions weekly

    • Not perfection, but consistency

  2. Master One Change Make it part of who you are before adding more:

    • Week 1-4: Just hit the gym consistently

    • Week 5-8: Add basic nutrition focus

    • Week 9-12: Layer in cardio

  3. Trust the Delayed Gratification

    • Progress isn't linear

    • Results lag behind effort

    • Consistency compounds over time

Sales Fit Challenge 💪💼

This week, I challenge you to:

  1. Choose Your One Thing

    • One sustainable fitness habit

    • One consistent sales activity

    • One measurable daily action

  2. Set Process Goals

    • Not "lose 20 pounds" but "gym 3x weekly"

    • Not "double pipeline" but "5 calls daily"

    • Not "transform life" but "build one habit"

  3. Create Your Forgiveness Protocol

    • Write down your "bounce back" plan

    • Define what "back on track" looks like

    • Practice self-compassion when you slip

The Power of Better Decisions

Remember: Each moment is a new opportunity to make a better decision. You haven't failed if you slip - you only fail if you stop trying.

  • Progress beats perfection

  • Consistency trumps intensity

  • Better decisions compound over time

  • Forgiveness fuels progress

Your Next Move

Look at your current goals. Are you trying to change everything at once? Are you focused on quick results over sustainable progress?

Pick one thing. Make it small. Make it doable. Make it consistent. And most importantly, forgive yourself when you slip - then make your next decision a better one.

What's your one sustainable change? Let us know in the Get Sales Fit Facebook Group.


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