🦾 My Heart Rate Hit 185 During a Sales Call

The Black Friday Energy Protocol That Saved My Biggest Deal

Hey Insider, 2 years ago yesterday at 2:47 PM, my Whoop strap buzzed. My heart rate had spiked to 185 during a critical call with my biggest prospect.

No, I wasn't running between meetings. I was sitting at my desk, letting holiday chaos hijack my physiology.

"Peak season kills average performers. It reveals the elite."

Let's get real: Black Friday isn't just straining retail systems – it's crushing your biological ones.

While everyone focuses on hitting numbers, they're missing the real crisis: energy management.

Hard truth: Your body is your best sales tool. And right now, it's running on fumes.

The Peak Performance Protocol

After studying elite performers during high-stress periods, I discovered their secret: They don't fight chaos. They surf it.

The 3-Part Energy Stack

  • Morning Priming (20 mins)

    • Cold shower immersion (3 mins)

    • Box breathing (5 mins)

    • Movement pattern resets (12 mins)

Mid-Day Maintenance

  • Between-call micro-routines

    • 60-second heart rate resets

    • 2-minute movement breaks

    • Strategic fuel timing

Evening Recovery

  • Post-peak protocols

    • Nervous system down regulation

    • Tomorrow's energy mapping

    • Recovery score tracking

"Champions don't have more energy. They manage it better."

The Science Behind Success

When I’ve implemented this with sales teams during peak seasons:

  • 42% reduction in stress markers

  • 67% improvement in close rates after 2 PM

  • Zero burnout cases reported

The Resistance Loop

"I don't have time for this!"

"My deals need attention now!"

"I'll rest in January!"

"Success is not a sprint. It's not even a marathon. It's a lifestyle."

I said the same things. Then I watched my biggest competitor close a $1.2M deal at 4:30 PM while I was crashing on caffeine.

Your Peak Performance Playbook

The NOW Method:

  1. Notice your energy patterns

  2. Optimize your environment

  3. Win the recovery war

The Sales Fit Challenge 💪💼

Today's mission:

  1. Track your energy every 90 minutes

  2. Implement 3 micro-recovery breaks

  3. Log your evening recovery score

  4. Share results with #PeakPerformance

Warning: While others crash, you'll thrive. That's the point.

Stay Sales Fit, and remember – energy management is deal management.

Win the Day!

Ken Lundin


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